Soft Life & Social Media – Reclaiming Peace in a Curated World
Ladies and gents, today we’re diving into a topic that’s been blowing up all over social media—the so-called “soft life.” We see it everywhere: perfectly filtered morning routines, candlelit bubble baths, luxury vacations, and spotless homes. It’s all about ease, self-care, and relaxation, right? Everything looks aesthetic and effortless. But let’s pause for a second and get real about what’s actually going on.
I’m here to tell you that the soft life isn’t always what it seems online. Social media has taken this beautiful concept—living with ease, peace, and intention—and turned it into this picture-perfect fantasy. It’s now this unrealistic standard where you feel like if you’re not sipping an oat milk latte in a designer robe or jetting off to Bali for a solo retreat, you’re somehow not living the “right” kind of soft life.
The Comparison Trap Now, let me share a little personal story with y’all because I know I’m not the only one who’s felt this way. A few months ago, I fell into what I like to call the “comparison trap.” You know that place, right? Where you’re scrolling, scrolling, scrolling through your feed, and it seems like everyone else has it all figured out. I remember seeing this influencer—she was waking up at 5 a.m., meditating in front of a perfect sunrise, doing yoga, sipping on some fancy smoothie, and living her best soft life.
And there I was, sitting in my sweats, with my unmade bed in the background, laundry piled up, and just trying to make it through the day without losing it. I couldn’t help but think—why doesn’t my life look like that? I started questioning myself, asking, “What am I doing wrong? Why don’t I feel like I’m living that peaceful, calm life I see everyone else enjoying?”
But here’s where it hit me—this wasn’t even about her. This was me vs. me. I wasn’t competing with her; I was competing with my own unrealistic expectations of what my life should look like. I was caught up in this idea of who I thought I should be, based on someone else’s highlight reel.
Me vs. Me You see, the real comparison we face isn’t with others—it’s with ourselves. It’s that internal dialogue, that little voice that tells us we’re not doing enough, not being enough. It’s this idea that our version of the soft life doesn’t measure up to some imaginary standard. But here’s the truth: It’s not about who’s doing it better, who’s more put together, or who’s living the most aesthetic life. It’s about you being in alignment with what truly brings you peace.
I had to ask myself, “Am I really upset that my life doesn’t look like hers? Or am I upset because I’m not living up to this version of ‘me’ that I think I should be?” That’s the real battle—the me vs. me struggle. It’s about learning to let go of those expectations and recognizing that your soft life doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s. It just needs to feel good to you.
Breaking Free from the Trap So, what did I do? I stopped chasing that Instagram-perfect life and started focusing on what really brings me peace. I asked myself, “What does soft living feel like to me—not what it looks like for someone else?”
For me, the soft life is about the little moments. It’s closing my laptop at the end of a long day and giving myself permission to just rest. It’s waking up a little later, putting my phone on ‘Do Not Disturb,’ and enjoying my coffee in silence before the day gets hectic. It’s not about perfectly curated photos or looking like I’ve got it all together—it’s about feeling grounded, at peace, and aligned with myself.
And let me tell you, that small shift made a world of difference. I started living more intentionally, creating space for myself to just be. Not for the ’gram, not for validation, but for me.
Reclaiming Your Peace Here’s the deal: when you catch yourself comparing your life to someone else’s, when that little voice says your life isn’t “soft enough,” take a step back. Ask yourself—who am I really doing this for? Is this for me, or am I just trying to keep up with someone else’s version of success?
Comparison will rob you of your peace quicker than anything else. And more often than not, it’s you vs. you. It’s those internal expectations that keep us in a cycle of dissatisfaction. The key to breaking free? Reclaiming your peace by honoring what feels good to you. It’s about recognizing that your journey is unique, and no one’s soft life is going to look the same as yours.
The Real Soft Life Let me tell you something important—the real soft life? It’s not about how it looks on social media. It’s not about the picture-perfect moments that we’re used to seeing online. It’s about how it feels in your everyday life. It’s about those quiet moments of peace when you’re just being—without pressure, without the need to post about it, and without the need to prove anything to anyone.
Maybe your soft life looks like saying “no” to plans and giving yourself permission to rest. Maybe it’s taking a long walk in the park or binge-watching your favorite show without feeling guilty. Or maybe it’s simply waking up, taking a deep breath, and reminding yourself that you’re allowed to move at your own pace. That’s the real essence of living softly—finding your own rhythm and being okay with it, no matter what anyone else is doing.
Unplug and Reclaim So, let’s stop letting social media define what our soft life should look like. It’s yours to define, and no one else’s. Reclaim your peace, unplug when you need to, and remember—you’re not here to curate a life for anyone else. You’re here to live one that feels good to you, in all its messy, beautiful, imperfect glory.
Call to Action Now, I want to leave you with a challenge—something to take with you after today. I challenge each of you to unplug from the social media comparison game for a bit. Try this: for the next week, take time every day to practice living your soft life in a way that feels good to you. It doesn’t have to be grand or perfect. Maybe it’s five minutes of quiet in the morning or allowing yourself a guilt-free afternoon off. Whatever it looks like, let it be yours, and only yours.
And when you feel tempted to scroll through those perfectly curated reels, I want you to ask yourself, “Am I living for me or for the ’gram?” If the answer isn’t “me,” it’s time to recalibrate. The beauty of the soft life is that it’s customizable. It’s not about perfection—it’s about peace. And no matter what social media shows you, no one can take away the softness that you create within yourself. So go ahead, reclaim your peace, define your own soft life, and most importantly, live it offline.