I Too

I Too

Β -Written By LadyBlue πŸ’™

I too told myself that he loved me
I too was scared to leave
I too hid the abuse from my family and friends
I too made excuses for the abuse
I too suffered in silence
I too convinced myself that it was my fault
I too held my head down low from embarrassment
I too cried and prayed that someday the pain will be over
I too left and came back more than once
I too am a Domestic Violence Survivor

So don't be ashamed please know you are not alone! Please know that you are stronger than you give yourself credit for!

Please know that I and many others have gone through this and we are here for you. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

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snap,snap,snap, …he amount of courage it takes to speak out on this topic makes me so proud of you and your journey. Continue doing you. Love it, & Love You to Life…..πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’™


Thank you so much for sharing this powerful post!! What you have gone through and survived will be a beacon of hope for many who are going through the same.

Wanda S

Thank you Lady Blue for being courageous enough to share something so personal about your journey. It gives me comfort knowing that I am not the only one and that I too will make it out.πŸ’™

Sarah Beth

I can so relate to your story, I wish I could have been as brave as you are to voice it. I love it. Shoo, I’ve got so much to say about thisπŸ’šπŸ’š


Im sorry you went through that. However, i hope you realize you are never alone for there more survivors out there with similar stories. The most important is that you have become that strength for the next person to say they can survive too. You will always have me and the rest of the fam whenever you need us. One love one family!


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