No Stress November

No Stress November

Stress Happens! There is absolutely no way around it. Often times, when we experience stress, we shut down and resort to putting our own needs last. Most people admit that it just seems easier to focus their attention on others rather than prioritizing their own self care.

For the month of November, I wish to challenge you to Stress-Less. I purposely selected today, 11/11 to challenge you to be more intentional with your self care. The date of November 11 is believed to hold a spiritual significance. Some people say that 11/11 is a direct portal for collective consciousness and the awakening of humanity. Today is a great day to come together with our truth and begin to recognize our “1”-ness (oneness) with all living beings.

The number sequence 1111 is looked at as a message from the universe, your spirit guides or a higher power, indicating that you are on the right path and will start to receive guidance and blessings on your journey through life. It is believed that the angels are always communicating with us through signs and symbols. It is said that when you see 1111, it is a sign that you are aligning with your soul’s purpose and stepping into your highest potential. So this is the day, and now is the time for us to set our intentions and manifest our dreams.

Keep in mind that self care looks different for everyone. It simply means taking care of your mental and physical health. It’s important that you are intentional and consistent with your self care in order to minimize anxiety, stress and burnout. You can incorporate self-care into your life in a variety of ways including:

-MENTAL: engaging your mind with something positive, a healthy mindset through mindfulness and creativity

-EMOTIONAL: acknowledging and processing emotions; taking care of your heart with healthy coping strategies

-PHYSICAL: maintaining or improving physical health thru exercise and nutrition

-ENVIRONMENTAL: taking care of the spaces around you

-SPIRITUAL: connecting with your inner being

-SOCIAL: building relations with regular connection and healthy boundaries

-PRACTICAL: finding ways to decrease stressors in your life

Remember, we’re all on a healing journey. We’re constantly growing and evolving into the people we were meant to be. But sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of who we are and what we want in life. If you’re feeling lost or stuck, it might be time to get intentional about your life and your goals. Let’s fill your cup up before it gets empty. 💚 - Love, LifeCoach614

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