DAY 31 - Don’t take criticism from people you wouldn’t take advice from.
It’s one of those messy, hard-to-swallow truths that sounds simple in theory but can be incredibly tough to practice in real life. Yet, it’s one of the most crucial lessons we can learn if we want to keep our peace and protect our energy.
We’ve all been there, right? You’re going about your day, doing your thing, making moves, and out of nowhere, someone who doesn’t know the first thing about you or your journey decides they’re qualified to tell you how to live your life. Maybe it’s a co-worker who barely knows your name, a relative who’s never understood your dreams, or even a stranger on the internet. They throw their opinions at you like confetti at a parade—unsolicited, often unwelcome, and most of the time, totally irrelevant.
But here’s the thing—they’re not the ones walking in your shoes. They don’t know your story, your struggles, or the blood, sweat, and tears you’ve poured into getting where you are today. So, let me ask you this: *Would you take directions from someone who’s never been where you’re going? Would you let a person with zero experience in your field tell you how to do your job?* Absolutely not. So why, then, do we sometimes let the most irrelevant voices get in our heads?
We live in a world where everyone’s got something to say, and thanks to social media, those opinions can come from all directions, and with alarming speed. People who’ve never walked a mile in your shoes suddenly feel entitled to tell you how to lace them up. They see a tiny fragment of your life—usually the highlight reel—and think they’ve got you all figured out. They criticize your decisions, your goals, your appearance, your way of living, and they do it with a confidence that makes you wonder if maybe, just maybe, they’ve got a point.
But here’s where you need to pause, take a deep breath, and ask yourself the million-dollar question: *Would I ever go to this person for advice on how to live my life?* If the answer is no, then their criticism doesn’t deserve a front-row seat in your mind. It doesn’t even deserve standing room in the back. In fact, it can take a backseat or, better yet, be kicked out of the car altogether.
You see, advice comes from a place of knowledge, experience, and genuine care. It’s rooted in an understanding of who you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re trying to go. The people who truly matter in your life—those who know you, support you, and want to see you succeed—will offer advice. They’ll lift you up and help you grow, not tear you down. They’ll share their wisdom with you, not just their opinions.
Criticism, on the other hand, especially the unsolicited kind, often comes from a place of projection, insecurity, or just plain ignorance. Sometimes it’s people reflecting their own fears and failures onto you, because seeing you succeed reminds them of where they’ve fallen short. Sometimes it’s just noise—people speaking out of turn because they can, because the internet has given everyone a platform and some folks don’t know how to use it responsibly.
And here’s the kicker: They’re usually not doing what you’re doing. They’re not walking your path, taking the risks you’re taking, or putting in the work you’re putting in. So why should their opinions dictate your actions? Why should their words have the power to make you doubt yourself, to make you feel small, to derail your progress?
Now, I’m not saying all criticism is bad. Constructive criticism from someone you respect, someone whose advice you value, can be incredibly helpful. It can push you to grow, to see things from a different perspective, to improve. But you’ve got to be discerning. You’ve got to separate the wheat from the chaff, the valuable feedback from the meaningless noise. Not every voice deserves a spot in your mental space.
Imagine letting every single opinion, every offhand comment, every piece of unsolicited advice take up residence in your mind. You’d be carrying around so much extra baggage, you’d never move forward. You’d be too busy second-guessing yourself, worrying about what others think, instead of focusing on your own growth, your own goals.
So here’s what you do: When someone’s criticism lands on your doorstep, take a moment. Don’t react immediately. Breathe. And ask yourself, *Is this person someone I’d turn to for advice?* If not, let it go. Don’t internalize it. Don’t let it derail you. You’ve got a purpose, a path, and it’s not meant to be dictated by every random voice that crosses your path.
Life’s too short to be weighed down by the opinions of people who don’t truly know or understand you. Your energy is precious. Save it for those who uplift you, who challenge you in constructive ways, who are invested in your journey. Save it for those who offer guidance, not just judgment.
At the end of the day, you’re the one living your life. You’re the one who knows what it’s taken to get where you are, the battles you’ve fought, the obstacles you’ve overcome. Don’t let anyone take that away from you with their careless criticism.
Surround yourself with people whose opinions you respect, whose advice you value, and who truly have your back. These are the voices that matter. The rest? They’re just noise. Let them talk while you keep moving forward, focused on your growth, your happiness, and your truth.
Because at the end of the day, it’s your life, and you’re the one who has to live it. So live it on your terms, not theirs. Remember, you don’t owe anyone an explanation for following your dreams, for taking care of yourself, or for choosing happiness over approval. You’re not here to be validated by everyone else. Not everyone’s opinion is worth your time, and that’s okay. Keep your circle tight, your head high, and your focus on what really matters—your growth, your journey, and your truth.
Let the critics talk; you’ve got bigger things to do.