If I Can, You Can
-Written By Wanda S ♥️
Many times, I found myself saying things like, "I wish I had conquered this earlier in life" or "why is this taking so long!" In case you're wondering, the "this" is getting fit. Like many others, I've tried numerous times to lose weight but never was successful. Although two reasons for pausing my efforts were valid, the remainder were just me simply giving up from discouragement when I didn't see the results quick enough.
While sulking and feeling sorry for myself one afternoon, I revisited my unsuccess’s (never calling them failures) and decided that I needed to do something different. After going through several sessions of life coaching, something within me changed. I had a paradigm shift! I did away with my old way of thinking and old way of doing things. First, I realized that this is a journey, one that I am blessed to be on and at times it may be challenging. Second, that it's going to take time. I am not in a race! Third, I needed to find my WHY and create a plan for success. Lastly, my determination to succeed had to increase drastically!!
After deciding I was in this for the long haul, I began! I created a post and put in my workout area that states: Why Are You Doing This? My answers were:
1. To be healthy!
2. To be fit!
3. To walk and not be out of breath!
4. To hopefully live a full life with little to no medication and no limitations (that I have control over)!
Each day that I work out I look at it as a reminder to keep pushing. Also, I created my workout journal (my plan) and set my S.M.A.R.T goals, both short and long term goals. Although I plan my workouts days before time, I show myself grace when I fall short and choose to replace an exercise or not do it at all. Since creating my plan for success, I have been consistently working towards and achieving each short-term goal that I've set and would like the same for all who reads this.
If you have struggled to begin and/or maintain an exercise regime, start here! Know that you can achieve any goal if you have a good plan and the willingness to put in the work! You got this!!!!
Wanda, thank you for having the courage to not only get out of your own way but to be transparent and share your testimony with others. I look forward to hearing more from you as you continue this journey. No turning back now Queen! 💚
Inspiring! Thank you for sharing!